Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I think I'm gonna make it .....

I'm sure I'll remember something I've forgotten to do and might start panicking anytime soon, but so far, I actually think I'm going to make it to Christmas. House is decorated. Presents are bought and 75% wrapped. Menu is planned and I'm going to the groceries today. Baking is ongoing (it goes out the door as quickly as I bake it .... so more baking required!). Contrary to last year, I made it to Canada Post in time to have parcels sent regular postage and delivered before Christmas Eve (although according to the tracking system, one was picked up from the post office and one wasn't ... which is weird since they were both sent to Sister D as my brother was likely to be out of town by the time his parcel got there).

I put ribbon on 26 boxes of chocolates, made 9 packages of biscotti complete with Christmas ornament decorated with scrapbook supplies, and packaged up some biscotti for my boss in a really cute Martha Stewart cookie box. I wrote out 36 Christmas cards for each staff member.

I'm off work til Tuesday so I celebrated the start of my mini-vacation last night with a two-hour bath (involving two glasses of wine and a book) and then the husband and I headed out for a late-night coffee with our friends Carrie and Aki. We made efforts to stay out of the girl's way last night as she was having her friends over for drinks and munchies. This is what I found on the counter this morning ... which is fine since none of them were driving.

To me this was just a reminder of how things change over the years ... I remember when the girl having friends over meant pink lemonade and me doing crafts with them ... lol. Well, another couple of years and things will change again; we'll probably have drinks with them instead of giving them space!

There's a fine, gentle snow falling outside this morning. It really does look like Christmas out there. Plans for today include groceries, baking, wrapping and visiting my godson to deliver his Christmas present. Plans for tomorrow include cleaning the house, doing some advance food preparation for Christmas dinner, and spending Christmas Eve at sister M's. We are hosting my brother in law's family as well as my mother in law on Christmas Day. I am going to buy the biggest fresh turkey in Kanata today, so that we have plenty of turkey leftovers.

I'm working between Christmas and New Year's, but I'm taking the first 3 days in January off and other than taking down the Christmas decorations, I hope to do nothing but walk with the dog and the husband in the woods and scrap. You know, the dog really does have a good life ... I don't see her running around shopping, baking and wrapping ... nope, this is what she gets to do all day long:

Boy, she sure has a tough life ... :o)

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope Santa is good to you.

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