Friday, October 9, 2009

Remember Me?

I know, I know. Bad, bad blogger. I sit here at the computer, my head hung low, feeling really badly that I haven't updated the blog in almost 20 days. Yikes, where does the time go?

Let's see, what's been going on the last three weeks ... hmnnnn ... well, we had a 3 year memorial mass for my father in law. Also, my poor husband has been so sick (it got bad enough at one point that I thought he had the H1N1 flu). Sinus infection, non-stop cough ... it's been rough going around here. The girl and I both caught it, have both been fighting it for a while. I am fighting it rather unsuccessfully these days; it seems to have settled in my inner ear, turning me into a dizzy blonde. I went to the clinic today, but my ears aren't infected. According to the doctor, sometimes vertigo settles in during a cold and sticks around for a while. Oh joy.

The boy went to Toronto for We Day and had a blast. That same weekend, the husband and I (and the dog of course) went for an overnight stay at the trailer. That was lots of fun; I truly can't wait til next summer! The boy has started hockey, and it looks like it will be a good season this year ... coach-wise, team-wise, and hockey parents-wise. Oooh, and the boy and I went to the Senators' home opener last night. Have I ever mentioned how much I love hockey? Man, it was great to be there again. And the cherry on top - they won.

The husband and the boy are at the trailer tonight; I stayed in town because I'm cooking up a storm for our traditional hunt camp Thanksgiving tomorrow. The girl has gone to a friend's house for the evening ... do you realize what this means? I am HOME ALONE. No dog. No husband. No boy. No girl. Just me and my SCRAPPING SUPPLIES! Yes my friends, finally, a scrap night for me! Now don't get me wrong, I love my family to pieces, but woo-hoo, sccrrraaaaapppp nighttttttt!!!. Hopefully I'll get a few pages done while I cook, and with any luck, I may post again tomorrow morning to show you some layouts!



Samantha said...

I can't wait to see what you made. I'm sure having the house to yourself was just what the Dr. ordered. lol. Happy Thanksgiving. enjoy.

Robyn de Weerd said...

Oooh...wish I could be there!

Barb said...

Layouts?! Ahem... ;)

I hope everyone's feeling better at your place. xoxo