Saturday, May 30, 2009


Hear that? That's the sound of one week going by. Quickly. Practically without warning. Here I am again, early on Saturday morning, enjoying my morning coffee and surfing my favorite blogs, thinking about everything I need to get done this weekend. To-do list includes:

  • Groceries (gotta eat!)
  • Laundry (gotta have clean clothes!)
  • Ironing (gotta have wrinkle-free clean clothes!)
  • Shopping for new carpet for the upstairs (gotta get that wrapped up, as the paint guy comes June 22)
  • Calling my sister(s) (or they may disown me soon)
  • Visiting my mother-in-law (as I do every weekend)
  • Buying new running shoes (mine died after 20 years - yes, 20 years - of use)
  • Vacuuming (I could probably cover a little dog with the hair my big dog shed over the last 3 days)
  • Uploading some pictures onto a flash drive and getting them printed (running out of inspiring pictures to scrap)
  • Scrap (haven't done so in over a week!)

Hey, that's not such a bad weekend list. I may actually be able to carve out some scrapping time if I'm efficient with the rest of my time. Like I said, I haven't scrapped in over a week but last time I did, I did complete a layout which I can share with you now:

Hmn. Looks better in real life than in the scan.

Time to get my day started with a bowl of oatmeal and a wet walk with the dog. Have a good weekend everyone!


Barb said...

20 years?! Yikes! I've probably gone through about 35 pairs of running, cross-training and aerobics shoes in the past 20 years. lol. Just think of all the money you saved! :P

Love your LO... and I'm glad that I'm not the only one with a crazy-long To Do list. Somehow it makes me feel less alone in my busyness, but what it really means is that we'll probably never manage to hook up for coffee unless it's a pre-workday thing.

Robyn de Weerd said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one with a huge WHOOSH sound going through her's nuts the pace we all keep did our mothers do it??

Samantha said...

Great lo!
I have an award for you on my blog!